Change | Maintain Your Balance | Flower Essence Formula
Change Flower Essence Formula helps you stay in your center during life changes. This formula supports you to stay in balance anytime you are feeling spun out, overwhelmed or unbalanced by changes.
Change may be a good choice for you if you feel:
- you want things to be what they are not
- distressed by change around you
- spun out and unstable during change
- ungrounded or unsettled, unable to find equilibrium
- resistant and unable to change
- loss of emotional equilibrium
Flower Essences in Change | Maintain Your Balance
- Artemesia – for releasing fixed ideas of how things should be
- Chinese Anise – allow the reality of change, adapt to changes you don’t choose, making peace with things beyond your control
- Giant Burnet – staying grounded and peaceful through learning to control your inner environment
- Japanese Beautyberry – teaches harmonizing with the situation instead of fighting it, helps you find the ease in any situation, to focus on what is important and reduce overwhelm
- Schima – peace and solace in time of turmoil, a second wind when worn out from life – encourages you to find the harmony within disruption, persevere despite setbacks
- Schisandra – finding a sense of stability when everything seems to be changing – helps you find emotional equilibrium, know your limits and avoid overextending yourself
Suggested Healing Intentions for Navigating Change
I feel safe in the world.
I am grounded and safe.
I grow deep roots and stay in my center.
I harmonize with change and accept what is.
Learn more about Healing Intentions