Schisandra | Flower Essence | Adapting to Change
Flower Essence for adapting to change: Schisandra Flower Essence helps you experience stability through the process of change. Strengthens and encourages when you feel anxious or fearful about growing and revealing your true self. Teaches moderation to those committed to a path of growth who tend to overextend themselves.
Pronunciation: shi-ZAN-druh
Botanical Name: Schisandra spenanthera
Family: Schisandraceae
Schisandra flower essence fact sheet
Message from Schisandra Flower Essence
Through force of our nature we can help you overcome obstacles to growth.
Some level of fear, of trepidation, is normal when encountering newness, new ways of being, showing new aspects of self. This is normal, but don’t let it stop you. Continue to move forward, allowing your feelings. The feelings are there to bring focus and attention – be mindful of them, but do not take them to be truthful guidance. For they come from the personality level of consciousness, and the personality prefers stability. Trust us, your existence here on this planet is not in any way an exercise in stability. However, your physical body reacts to change by experiencing fear, anxiety or otherwise feeling threatened. You know the feeling most concretely when you lose your footing, or when the surface on which you are standing moves beneath you. This is a clear moment when adrenaline is released, the cascade begins so you can act quickly to preserve your life.
Now, the circumstances you find yourself in this time and energy create these moments regularly, but below the level of conscious awareness. This creates a sense of anxiety, without an obvious cause. It is equivalent to the sensation of the ground moving beneath your feet.
The essence we are making together will serve you, and other humans, well as you negotiate this changing time.
The change causes fear, because the body feels a disruption in equilibrium. These changes do not seem to be soon to stop, by the way. It will be better to work with the changes, for they are what you have asked for. It will be more valuable to you to adapt to the rapidly shifting energies, and our essence will be most valuable in this way.
It is an issue of your time, of how to physically balance during a time of great change. From day to day, year to year, your growth curve creates changed needs of your body, and in order to function your best, you will best respond to them promptly. Even when you do there can be disorientation, lag time in your auric fields, your energy bodies. This lag can be aided to resolve with our essence.
We do not create a support structure for ourselves, we work with others for that. We are clever in our pattern, taking advantage of help to elevate ourselves and to reach heights. We are equally content to grow along the ground, it is not superior one way or the other, it is enough to enjoy our life, growing along as we do.
Our gift is to be able to adapt to circumstances, to thrive in whatever way best serves. And you see we do not act in excess. We grow, but not destructively. We work within our resources, our abilities, and thrive in cooperation with others.
There is another layer to our medicine that we can access with you now. When your actions are taking place out of an impulse of fear, when your Kidney is driving your actions, this is depleting, not staying in your ability to act in a balanced way.
This is most common. Learning how to unpair this impulse – you see many have learned to act only from this place. That is, if they are not acting from a survival fear they are confused. They have learned to live life in this depleting pattern only. Our essence, over time of course, can teach another way of being and acting in the world.