Japanese Beautyberry


Flower Essence for Calm: Japanese Beautyberry Flower Essence is a calming and toning essence, providing a base level of peaceful support and trust that all will be well. The calming energy encourages harmonizing with challenging situations, holding the center to find the place of peace and ease within conflict.

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Japanese Beautyberry | Flower Essence | Holding the Center

Flower Essence for Calm: Japanese Beautyberry Flower Essence is a calming and toning essence, providing a base level of peaceful support and trust that all will be well. The calming energy encourages harmonizing with challenging situations, holding the center to find the place of peace and ease within conflict.

Botanical Name: Callicarpa japonica

Family: Verbenaceae
Japanese Beautyberry flower essence fact sheet

Message from Japanese Beautyberry Flower Essence

It is a place of peace, a connection to grace we offer. We will combine our energies well with other essences. We may be considered as a toner, an underlayment of peaceful support. We sing a quiet song, but it is useful nonetheless.

The 3rd chakra is affected. It is more a support of this area. It assists in a feeling of security and peace – to trust that all will be well. The feeling of safety in the eye of the hurricane – all around you may be in motion, but you are in a state of grace, able to note it all, but be untroubled by it.

Lay down your burdens, it all will pass. For those who are tired of fighting and struggle – to be encouraged to harmonize with the situation and find the place of peace within it. It is not a matter of escaping the conflict, but to find a place of ease within it.

For there is always this still center within any issue – this is where Spirit may speak and you can hear. It isn’t in rushing about, forcing the issue, “willing” something to be – it is a more organic approach to problem solving – sitting with the inquiry until and answer emerges clearly.

We can aid in focus – that is, release of non essential thought and stimulation. It is a calming effect, but is more noticeable in your culture where the constant barrage of input inclines you to anxiety. This is the world and the era you live in, and there is no judgment on it. It is merely an observation of what is, and an offering of how best to manage this input.

Our essence can help you hold the center, the space where you can see all around, but not need to engage or allow it to draw you off your chosen focus point.


Our energy offers this stillness, this quiet place you can rest and enjoy your present moment. There is nothing to do or needs doing, you can simply rest and restore in the moment.

Our fundamental quietness is sorely needed in your world. It is so common with your kind that there is a flurry of thoughts, inputs, conversations, arguments – going on internally at all times. And the ways of avoiding the stress of all of this ends up compiling the problem. There is no peace, no rest, no opportunity to digest that which has been taken in. 

Our essence can remind you how to access calmness, stillness.

Support our essence with others that aid in digestion of experiences, or protect sensory overload. Our qualities support the process of settling the Shen, creating spaciousness in the consciousness so the Shen can be accessed and provide wisdom.

You see, when there is no such connection internally, there is no ability to access true wisdom or hear inner guidance. The being is in perpetually reactive state, unable to choose, to respond in growthful or healthy ways.

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions N/A

1/4 oz