Release | Let Go of What No Longer Serves You | Flower Essence Formula
Flower essence for letting go – Allow yourself to release self-defeating patterns or non-serving beliefs that get in the way of your happiness.
Release may be a good choice for you if you feel:
- stuck or blocked
- unable to make decisions
- mired in negative emotions and trapped by your beliefs
- you continually sabotage yourself, you are your own worst enemy
- trapped in the expectations of your culture or family and coming up short
- easily distracted and not doing what is really important
- can’t get out of repeating patterns, keep going through the same problems over and over
Flower Essences in Release
- Formosa Lily – clear old issues which surface in a cyclical manner, this essence brings light to what is old or buried, helping it to release and creating a new, more functional pattern
- Hairy Toad Lily – releasing old or stuck patterns that extend back into your personal or family history
- Kobushi Magnolia – aids in recognizing and releasing thoughts and beliefs that belong to your family, culture or tribe that keep you from fulfilling your dream or purpose
- Persian Walnut – releasing karmic/tribal/cultural issues, links or beliefs and “family-inflicted wounds”
- Siebold’s Crabapple – clears societal imprints that hamper, restrict or distort full self expression
- Yunnan Pine Pollen – dropping the weight of the past, releasing toxic thoughts or old programming, dropping distractions that keep you from addressing primary issues
Suggested Healing Intentions
I let go of self defeating thoughts and beliefs.
I focus on what is really important.
I let go of the past that keeps me stuck.
I claim the courage and power to move forward into my future.
I let go of everything holding me back from happiness.
Learn more about Healing Intentions