White Michelia | Flower Essence | Easing Polarization
Flower Essence for polarization: White Michelia Flower Essence remedies fears that manifests in hostility towards the “other”, dispelling discord and inspiring trust and compassion. This gentle flower essence illuminates the way for wise choices that benefit the greater good.
Botanical Name: Magnolia floribunda
Family: Magnoliaceae
White Michelia flower essence fact sheet
Message from White Michelia Flower Essence
Our gift is one of heart opening to the “other”. Common in your world is the identification of outsider as “other” – another being without the same wants, needs, desires as oneself. Perhaps even having lesser, or less important desires. When one sees all outside his group as being less important than him, there is created a great tension. This tension is also rooted in the lack of ability to believe in the goodness of the Universe, that all things are provided by Source. These gifts are available to all, without judgement or rationing. When a soul is on the path that is different than the proper one of flow, all things will be struggle. We use the word “proper” without judgement – it is more to indicate a break with flow or Source – the energy is blocked in this state. A state of trust in the positive flow of all things beneficial to the soul yields a spirit of great compassion for all beings. When the being sees a state of lack (reflected in his environment – this reflection is set up as a construct, sometimes by one, sometimes by a group) he will quite naturally be in a fear based state. This fear based state will then manifest in behavior such as territorial dispute, fear of others and hostility towards other beings (both human and non-human).
We will begin to tell you our talent. It is no small thing, and desperately required in the world today. For the hostility and polarity of the moment are very strong. It is but a phase, but it emerges strongly in order to bring about the potential for evolution. If it were not “up” in awareness, powerfully outlined and defined, no choice would be required.
Our energies serve to cast inner light on places where choices are waiting to be made. We help clear the way for choice – when the options are illuminated, the choice can take place from a place of wisdom, of enlightenment. So often one finds the clarity can be obscured by those who have investment in status quo or in their own, less exalted interests.
Our primary interest is in illuminating the forces of wisdom and compassion. We assist in opening to those who may be polarized, holding very different positions, and helping find common ground and interests.
We radiate a gentle light filled presence that dispels discord.
Our energies radiate outward from the center. Those who take more extreme positions cast a larger shadow. The balance point is not fixed, but tends toward consensus. As your species evolves, it becomes more awakened to the results of its actions. All development is this way.
In other words, the collective awareness is a mediating force on the individual, and the reverse is also true. The collective “temperature” must rise – each heart and mind must become awakened to injustice, cruelty, or what may be wrong.
Conversely, there are always way-showers on each side, demonstrating the more extreme positions in order for the collective to take note and gradually shift in one direction or the other.