Wilmott’s Rose | Flower Essence | Heart Protector
Flower Essence as Heart Protector: Wilmott’s Rose Flower Essence is a gentle protector of the heart. Soothing and healing, she encourages your heart to open in complete safety.
Botanical Name: Rosa willmottiae
Family: Rosaceae
Wilmott’s Rose flower essence fact sheet
Message from Wilmott’s Rose Flower Essence
The realm of healing the heart is vast. This is indeed the next frontier in your evolution as a species. For healing of the physical body is only needed when the spirit has been out of sorts for a very long time. The heart center is one of the primary drivers of the health of the body. If health is desired, at some point the being is required to open the heart, heal any scars or armoring, and release into the energy of love.
Any time there has been energetic insult to the heart center, our essence can be called upon to heal it. While it is always ideal to address challenges as soon as they happen, our essence can also be used to relieve old pains and wounds.
Any heart can bloom again with the right nurturing and encouragement.
Tend your own heart with compassion, and you will find you will have so much more space to feel compassion for others.
Our kindness and gentleness are always foremost, but there is also a quality of protection as well. You can see, our growth is well protected from bother, and we hold our own space easily and well. We do not overwhelm our neighbors, and we unobtrusively grow to meet our needs. We are always less obtrusive than others, but that is what is useful in order to protect those who need protecting. We help those who feel bombarded by others, whether their experiences involve subtle or overt bullying.
Like a wise elder, we protect those who need it, and teach them to take care of themselves when they become stronger.
We provide guidance for growing a stronger heart. The education of the heart is a vital process in the journey towards wisdom and right living.