Japanese Alder | Flower Essence | Confident Action
Flower Essence for Confident Action: Japanese Alder Flower Essence provides a sense of deep rootedness, a knowing of what is real and true. Creates the environment for growth, so you can confidently act on possibilities that open to you. Offers clarity of thought so concrete actions may be taken, especially for those who strike uncharted paths. Quiets self-doubt.
Botanical Name: Alnus japonica
Family: Betulaceae
Japanese Alder flower essence fact sheet
Message from Japanese Alder Flower Essence
The essence we have made together can aid in a sense of deep rootedness – a knowing what is real and true, no matter what the culture says. There are many greater “truths” than your culture allows.
Be very still and the knowing comes.
The primary mode of action of our essence is of clarity of thinking. The dithering and indecisiveness will be remedied, and right action can then be taken.
This essence is useful to leaders, those who take primary action. The first actors on any idea are always taking a risk – for no one has gone before them in this way. Moving into the unknown is risky – but acting from knowing – taking right action – gives comfort and certainty. There will always be doubt – this is part of the terrain to be traversed – but it need not hinder or stop you. Hold fast to the flashes of knowing and all will be well.
There is a primary misunderstanding, that certainty or knowing is constant. That when one knows, the feeling of sureness remains. This is not so. The important thing to remember is to hold fast to the flashes of certainty, for they are truth. You will not be able to maintain the inner feeling at all times, but you can hold fast to the memory of these moments. Allow them to guide you to the next moments of certainty. Follow them like a breadcrumb trail, and know you are heading in the correct direction.
Our essence aids in the grounding process. When too much time is spent in the mind, the body’s alignment system becomes cluttered and unclear. This results in unaligned action and general disharmony. The essence will aid in the drawing down of this cluttered thought and excess misaligned energies and allow the clear connection to resume.
The healing gift of our presence is to encourage and show the way. We create an environment for another to strike down roots, grow and thrive. We shepherd others into full incarnation and confident embodiment.
It is in the creation of this environment that the individual may connect to the guidance of their soul. Without this guidance, the being bumps around in the darkness. Our energies posture an environment where there is a far greater chance of the soul connecting with the conscious self. Of course, this takes place entirely in free will, and the being must seek this.
However, when the being has always been in the dark, so to speak, they may not even be aware that there could be this proverbial light (meaning the guidance of the soul). In these cases, the use of our essence may offer them an opportunity to glimpse the possibilities and options open to them.
For those for whom the light has been on, they may still struggle with knowing – not quite able to strike out and take action. In these circumstances, we aid the strengthening of will and ability to take action to secure the opportunities for growth – whatever the soul seeks.
Doubt, uncertainty – all these emotions and thoughts are in the field in which we work. For when we begin, we must be the one to take the initiating action, yet there is much doubt as to our ultimate success. Nothing is assured.
For we are the initiators, growing first in a space. This means the way is never smooth or prepared for us – we are the ones who do that for others. The ones who came after are not in the place where they know this level of uncertainty, don’t face a fully blank canvas. The way has been prepared for them.
However, the possibility of the new path is a very powerful position to take. We are put in a place of steering growth in new places, life to go in new ways. This is a profound privilege and a gift.
So our essence cannot wipe out uncertainty, it is a part of the process of creating a new path, and is normal and natural to feel. What we can do is encourage the taking of first steps. If you wait until you are certain, until the way is clear and obvious, you are not creating something new.
Our willingness to take on challenge does not mean we do not pace ourselves, do not rest or find ease in our life. Though our lifespan is compressed, we do not overextend.
Fear not, even though the path is neither clear nor smooth, there is an organizing principle within the structure of life. All that is required is to follow the natural flow, to listen to the guidance that is inherent in all life. This guidance is subtle, given from one moment to the next and can guide you in the most benevolent action that is required in the moment.
Our gift is to help you hear and follow the guidance that flows constantly from the ordering structure that is life.
This structure lies invisible, but creates all that is seen. It creates the form that is the life of a dragonfly, and emerges in the brush of an artist. It is the principle of creativity manifesting into form. It has many possibilities that can be used to result in these creations, human life is but one avenue.