Green Rose | Flower Essence | The Strength of Love
Botanical Name: Rosa chinensis var viridiflora
Family: Rosaceae
Message from Green Rose Flower Essence
We have been growing in this current form for a long time in your scale, and have many individuals resonating all around the world. In this way, we share our messages.
Certainly our green color can lead you into greater understanding, in that the resonance of the Liver and wood energy is strong.
For we bring strength to the force of love, to help the smooth flowing of emotion as it may be constrained in the Heart space.
When the energies of emotions are able to flow freely, our essence can help to guide the wisdom of the Heart in acting in harmony.
Our work is to dissolve barriers to the free flow of love and kindness. At any time when there should be love, and instead there is a diversion into resentment or anger or jealousy, these are the opportunities for us to engage to dissolve the barriers.
Our love is fierce. It is not just a soft form of warmth – it has a backbone, a willingness to confront and defend what is cherished. Our love does not tolerate childishness, though the benefits of child-like attitudes are cherished. We encourage a clear eyed view of relationships and interactions.
Any distortions to the vibration of pure love can be cleared with our energy.
It is worth noting that clearing energies does not bring full healing until the appropriate conduct is enforced. So there may be experiences of continued resentment when the actions continue without necessary correction – from whichever side of the equation is out of alignment.
The cultivation of relationships requires a firm hand and action taken when it is appropriate. You must set boundaries to maintain Heart clarity.
For our energy to be well received, the grounding must be in place, and a structure that can accept the movement of qi and emotion.
If there is too much armoring the movement can be inhibited. Our energy is best used when a perimeter of safety has already been established. Our movement is on a refined level of clearing, when outer boundaries are in place.
Our vigor and willingness to bloom is part of our gift. We were summoned into this form so we might share our particular healing gift. Our distinctness we carry strongly, we require little encouragement and do not shy away from strong expression. Our expression, and healing gift requires no permission. This is part of our property.