Innocent | The Wound of Shame | Flower Essence Formula
Innocent flower essence for shame – This formula helps you connect to your original innocence and the absolute purity of your true nature.
Innocent may be a good choice for you if you feel:
- judged
- self-critical
- unimportant or insignificant
- worthless or unattractive
- there is something wrong with me
- not good enough
Flower Essences in Innocent
- Lady Banks’ Rose – cultivate self love and connect to your original innocence
- Leichtlin’s Lily – helps you appreciate your uniqueness so you can love yourself exactly as you are
- Sikkim Crabapple – releases the judgments and thoughts of others that you have unconsciously absorbed so you can see your true nature more clearly
- Ussurian Pear – connects you to your original sense of purity, a deep knowing that your spirit and soul are inviolate
- Wilmott’s Rose – a kind and loving presence to help you embrace your mistakes and imperfections as a learning experience, rather than becoming trapped in the voice of the inner critic
- White Lily – helps you listen to your body, to trust your impulses towards pleasure that feed and nourish your body
Suggested Healing Intentions
I am perfect, whole and complete.
I am enough.
I call on the healing forces of Nature to help me love myself.
I embrace my mistakes as a learning experience, and recognize my true and Divine nature.
I affirm my Divine nature and the perfection of my spirit.
Learn more about Healing Intentions