

Do you live or work in a stressful environment full of conflict?
Is tension and stress a constant in your space?

Harmony Floral Mist helps create more pleasant and productive interactions at home and work. Mist generously around shared spaces for a lighter, brighter and more harmonious environment.


Harmony Floral Mist

Enjoy the benefits of two forms of botanical healing – the immediate delight and beauty of essential oils with the deep healing and transformative potential of flower essences.

Only the highest quality pure essential oils are used in the creation of Floral Mists, carefully designed to support the energetic characteristics of the flower essence blend, enveloping you in beautiful pure scent and bringing you the pleasure of simply being.

The essential oil blend in Harmony:

Wild Bulgarian Lavender creates a calm and soothing mood, opening hearts and easing tensions
Rose Geranium has a balancing effect and reduces stress and worry
Litsea reduces irritability and stress
Ylang Ylang eases moodiness and offers a sense of contentment and joy
Benzoin provides a grounding base and a calming energy

The Flora of Asia flower essences in Harmony:

China Rose – opening the heart to let go of hurts or grudges, while setting healthy boundaries for interactions
Giant Burnet – calming and cooling, creates a sense of patience and enjoyment in interactions with others
Himalayan Chestnut – when we tend to worry or fixate on the way others accomplish things or live their lives, this essence elevates our desire to control people or outcomes to the greater perspective, that our love and caring for them transcends the “small stuff”
Okinawan Holly – opens our hearts to others to recognize the many commonalities of our shared experiences rather than the differences that divide us
White Michelia – relieves fear-based hostilities and zero-sum thinking through understanding of commonality and the greater awareness that we are all in this together
Yeddo Hawthorn – helps to lift you out of attachment or need to control into an understanding of your heart’s desire to provide service and to connect to others in a meaningful way

This suite of flower essences comes together to open hearts in compassion, find common ground, and elevate perspectives so individuals can work, play, and live together peacefully.

How to Use Floral Mists

    • Mist around your body and take a moment to breathe in


    • Mist over your heart chakra, or on acupressure points


    • Generously mist around your home or office space


    A light mist on your pillow and bedding will help you relax and sleep well

Additional information

Weight 5 oz
Dimensions 1.5 × 1.5 × 5 in

2 oz