

Andromeda Flower Essence helps you feel supported when you have many demands on you and you have much to do.

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Andromeda | Flower Essence | Unconditional Support

Botanical Name: Pieris japonica

Family: Ericaceae

Message from Andromeda Flower Essence

We create an environment of quietness and of welcome. We are generous with our gifts so none are wanting.

Use our essence when you are in need of support. Whenever you feel there are too many demands on you, and you are having to give too much. And the opposite side of this is that you are feeling unsupported by others or by spirit.

Do you feel supported by the earth? It may seem an obvious question, but it is a truly significant problem. This question of abundance is a very real one in a culture where you are disconnected from abundance you can manifest for yourself in a concrete way. When you no longer grow your food, abundance feels very abstract indeed.

And this is the world in which you live. But, the energetics of abundance, the magnetization of goodness to you is the same as it always has been. It is in connection, in community that all needs are met. We model generous giving, while our needs are met in less direct fashion. For even when we gift nectar to bees, there are plenty of pollinators to allow us to continue fulfilling our purpose.

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions N/A

1/4 oz